Sunday, April 01, 2007

Cool as ice

One way to spend the interim between the men's Final Four games and the 1-2 punch of the women's Final Four/Opening Day is to see a figure skating movie? Why not -- it's another Will Ferrell comedy that was funny at moments and silly and over the top in other parts (pretty much par for the course). It wasn't as good as Talladega Nights, but some of the actors were game for their parts, such as Craig T. Nelson, and Jenna Fischer pretty much played Pam, although there's nothing wrong with that.

Speaking of Pam, it looks like Wired went first in sexing her up. And similarly, Geek magazine tries to glam up Chloe. I haven't seen so much love for the geeky girl since those Willow shots in FHM. (And age has been very good to her.)

1 comment:

Mark said...

Actually, Jane was the first to sex up Fisher, with a naked from the back shot. Not that I've seen it. No. Of course not.