Friday, February 06, 2004

Super Genius
Not only is Regis back for Super Millionaire, so is the phone-in qualification. The tapings are at a bad time for me, but I may take a crack at the test for a few of those days.

I still think that the elimination of the phone game led to the demise of the show the first time around, more than the multiple airings and countless celebrity editions. Much of the fun of the game was that if you called and got the answers right on the phone, you could be on TV a few days later playing for the big money.

There was a lot more spontaneity to the whole endeavor, as opposed to the numerous game show auditions I've been to. There isn't any hoping a game show would hold tryouts in your town, there's no casting/interview process. You win, you could be in. It may not produce the most diverse crew, but if you're looking for "reality" TV, this is it.

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