Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Songs in the key of suck
As if we needed more piling on the Grammys, here's another analysis piece from the AJC about how the awards stink. But a couple of things from that column and other leftover notes from the ceremony:
-- One thing this piece mentioned is the "gorgeous obscure records that didn't get nominated." Just a thought -- is a piece of music gorgeous because it's obscure?
-- On the other hand, would the AJC give that much love to "Yeah!" if it wasn't made by a bunch of guys with Atlanta ties? (And if you listen to the song on this station, you wouldn't even know Ludacris was on the record, and thus any jokes about "Urshur" would be lost.)
-- And one thing that I haven't seen anyone mention: If Ray Charles hadn't died last year, would he have gotten the nominations, much less any Grammys? From what people have said about the album, it's about on par with Frank Sinatra's Duets album, which spawned a great SNL skit but didn't win Album of the Year.

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