Thursday, November 21, 2002

Well, there were plenty of complaints after the annual Victoria's Secret Lingerie Show. I tried watching bits and pieces of it but just couldn't get into it. I suppose they wanted to show it was a "real" TV show with the assorted musical acts and skits. It's a bit disconcerting when you're expecting Heidi Klum and you get Phil Collins, Chris Elliott and Jason Sehorn (yet no Angie Harmon). Besides that, I'm trying to figure out if most of the models are not allowed to smile, have a real glimmer in their eye or cheeks that aren't just bone. Watching a bunch of expressionless Eurobots actually detracts from whatever bizarro outfits they're showing. You really can't excited watching it and you almost want to feel sorry for them. The regular TV ads and the ubiquitous catalogs seem to have a better effect in creating a fantasy. Seeing the reality is actually disturbing.

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