Friday, April 18, 2003

The Breakfast Club + Joy Luck Club + Reservoir Dogs
Time for a shameless plug: Go see Better Luck Tomorrow when you can. It opened in NY, LA, SF and Chicago last week and it opened here in Atlanta as well as a few other cities today (DC, Dallas, San Diego, Seattle, Portland, Toronto) I was told there were a few changes to the ending compared to when I saw it at the AAJA convention last summer, but I didn't see anything really drastic. Someone hit it on the head when he compared the ending to The Graduate.

The movie was just as sharp as I remembered it, and it really is something you don't see too much in the movies today. The film definitely shatters some of the stereotypes of the overachieving Asian-American kids (hell, I definitely fit into the stereotype they try to break down). Something that a number of people mentioned about this movie is that we're "finally seeing people like us" on the screen. Scarily enough, I can say the same thing about this film. I swear I could pass for a couple of the extras. I'm almost surprised Justin Lin didn't do some double takes when I saw him in Dallas last year promoting the film.

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