Thursday, May 15, 2003

When quizbowlers rule the earth ...
I haven't had a chance to watch much of the Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions, but I do know that I have actually met all three of the finalists via quizbowl. Mark Dawson and Brian Weikle were both at TRASHionals this year -- and their teams played each other in the prelims; I've read for Eric Floyd at a handful of academic tournaments in the southeast. Plus, Mark joins us from time to time at bar trivia (we still have some bar cash we won at a place near Emory that needs to be used). It may or may not be impressive to place three people with recent quizbowl experience in the Tournament of Champions, but to have all three placed in separate semifinals all leading to the final was most impressive. However, it's very strange that it's getting to the point where a considerable number of friends and acquaintances have appeared on a game show. No, the novelty hasn't worn out yet, and probably won't, at least not until I can weasel my way on.

On a related point, at a couple of the game show contestant searches I've been on, the producers were trying to find people who aren't necessarily game show fans. (I think The Weakest Link tried to hammer that point across.) Thus, if those producers are looking for people like that or if you want to be on a show, it may be best if you avoid all contact with me. It may help your odds.

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