Monday, March 01, 2004

Reality check
Not sure what it is about the words "season finale" that gets me watching some of the bad reality shows, but here I was catching the last few minutes of Average Joe 2 and losing it while the "average" guy takes the girl on a date to Fenway Park, complete with a dream meeting with ... Tim Wakefield! Everything just seemed too surreal on that trip, including the guy's thick Boston accent. (BTW, is the Mass-hole, at least accent-wise, one of the stereotypical people reality shows must cast these days? C.T. from Real World Paris and Rob M. from Survivor come to mind.) And despite getting a big old kiss in center field, he struck out in the end, but so did girl, so I guess it's all good.

But you can't kill the franchise as Adam from the first show pulls off a Trista and gets to turn the tables in two weeks. However, it looks like he'll get to choose from a bunch of the beautiful people. Will the twist be that he gets "average" women down the line? Things that I think about that I really shouldn't be, especially since I'm usually watching Airline or wrestling when I get back from trivia.

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