Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A few notes and observations before heading home to New Jersey ...
-- If you see some of those fantasy football magazines later this summer with my picture and picks in it, just realize that I'm providing some of the information it right now. I'm in the midst of three straight weeks of fantasy football mock drafts just a month into the baseball season.
-- I followed Greg's lead and downloaded this band quiz. Without resorting to researching yet, I've gotten about 130 of the 270 bands on the test so far. Eventually, I'll look up the answers.
-- Rob has a good review of Songs for Silverman. But one thing I noticed is that the first single, "Landed," sounds a whole lot like this song. As Craig put it, maybe it's a Carolina vibe going on. On the other hand, I was really happy to hear Landed on this station driving into work on Sunday.

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