Saturday, June 18, 2005

Joe had an interesting bit about Joe Namath being the most overrated player in the Pro Football Hall of Fame, which actually few people will dispute given his career numbers.

But it got me thinking, with the way people throw around numbers (especially when it comes to baseball), that one day will there be an official "statistical" Hall of Fame for the different major-league sports?

For instance, Hideo Nomo reached the Meikyukai, a Japanese version of a stats hall of fame, earlier this week after winning his 200th combined game between Japan and the U.S. (They also have a "traditional" Hall based on voting.) And the LPGA has a stats-based criteria for entry into their Hall of Fame.

Would going completely to numbers make a Hall of Fame fairer? I suppose it would remove bias (other than from the group determining the statistical milestones) from the selection process, but how do you measure less tangible attributes like charisma, leadership and historical significance (outside of numbers).

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