Friday, July 15, 2005

Remember me?
Got a note recently from an old friend who stumbled across this site thanks to a good old Google search (at least it's better than the one search that's been dominating my hit counter lately). So if she happens to stumble across this post, hello again.

With that said, it's funny how the World Series of Poker has somehow brought out some vestiges of my past despite the fact that I'm very late to the party. While looking over the early updates and the other bracelet winners, I came across this guy who probably is related in some way to a friend from college (it will especially be a kick for those NU people from my time who read this blog).

And since I'm not that plugged into the poker community, I had no clue that this infomercial star of the early '90s was now a high-stakes player and was eliminated along with Greg Raymer and Phil Ivey on Day 6 of the Main Event. I'd really be interested to see how much air time he'll get on ESPN's coverage. It now really has me thinking what those "three little words" are.

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