Friday, August 10, 2007

Grand Slammed

In the midst of last week's conventions, I was able to catch the first couple of episodes of GSN's Grand Slam -- a pretty interesting show featuring a number of game show legends plus a few other random names. I'm intrigued by the fact that the game tests all sorts of knowledge skills beyond just trivia. It's been fun to watch, although I will admit that having Dennis Miller as a smarmy studio host-type is a very acquired taste. On the other hand, more than one person has said that Pat Kiernan has become the "voice" of game shows thanks to his work on the World Series of Pop Culture and as the disembodies "questioner" on Grand Slam.

If you want to see a little bit of the show, YouTube has much of the first game between Ken Jennings and Victor Lee. Here's one clip. The show continues on Saturday and Sunday for the next few weeks. (Also worth noting -- I've played against four of the contestants in the field -- Ken, Victor, Ed and Dave -- in assorted quiz bowl tournaments, plus Kevin has moderated a ton of my matches.)

1 comment:

Crissy said...

Wow. That was surprisingly more potentially addictive than I thought it would be.

Must . . . not . . . watch . . . more.