Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Tick, tick, boom
I guess 24 is giving way to American Idol for a couple of weeks, but it's going away on a high note in the one of the more bewildering episodes I've seen in a while.

Some stuff was obvious. Who didn't see Sherry turning on President Cerrano? And of course, Jack's daughter was going to do something silly to get herself into more trouble, although she looked very hot doing so. Plus, they had to resolve the Jack-Nina hostage crisis quickly in order to move all the other plot elements along.

Some was out of left field. Annoying blonde bride was a killer and involved in the whole thing? What? I suppose some people could've seen it, maybe that stupidity and airheadedness was a great cover. Now the bizarro thing was the Michelle-Soul Patch "Hey, you wanna go out sometime" exchange. In the midst of a potential nuclear bomb, there is plenty of sexual tension in the air. Yeah, I guess so. Oh well, there was at least some realistic awkwardness in the whole exchange. Then again, I think we know what happens with interoffice romance at CTU.

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