Thursday, March 17, 2005

Early tournament blogging
I'm not going to be as detailed as Bill Simmons for obvious reasons, but here are some thoughts from the first few hours of the madness:
-- I went 4-for-4 in the first slate of games. The 12 seed strikes again as UW-Milwaukee beat Alabama -- one of the easier upsets for me to pick.
-- Thank goodness I don't live in Lexington anymore. I wonder what the buildup for the UK-EKU matchup was like there?
-- I like the running scores stripped across the top of the screen, even if it is a bit much in the sensory overload and sometimes forgetting the score of the game I'm actually watching. The scores help out when you don't have a satellite package, for instance, but CBS has been good in switching from game to game.
-- Eventually I'll get around to ripping the CBS commercials like everyone else, but I'm barely paying attention right now.
-- It looks like I made a good choice in not taking the Ivy League team for the first time in ages. But Iowa is making me look a bit bad, but it's hard to pull for Bob Huggins. UTEP could be a nice team, but why did they go with the shade of Tennessee orange for the jerseys?
-- Geez, how many guys are named Jason Williams in college hoops these days? And is Duke's J-Will going to be doing any NIT games? (I doubt they'll give him a tournament game, but it is the one time out of the year I get to hear from Jim "Mister" Spanarkel.)

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