Thursday, July 18, 2002

I think I need a DVD player soon
I've been passing on getting a DVD player, instead trying to spend it on other things (or just saving it). However, it looks like I'll need to grab one with both 24 and Sports Night headed to DVD. This is the type of stuff I've been looking for with the format. It may also encourage me to get the first season of The Simpsons on DVD (although I've got most of it on video taped directly off Fox 5 in New York years ago -- complete with really old ads and such).

Scratching the trivia itch
Hit the bar trivia circuit for the first time in months the other day, as a friend of my friend Chrissie set up his own trivia company in the midst of an ultracompetitive bar trivia scene down here. Chrissie and I cleaned up nicely, partly because we were somewhat ringers playing the inaugural game at the Elbow Room in Buckhead -- oddly enough, a hole in the wall-ish sports bar in the midst of all the pretentiousness that is Buckhead. I really do need to go around playing those things again, as long as I can round up a few close friends to put a hurting on the competition, and as well as finding a place worth winning house cash for.

NU alumnus does proud
Ah, Jerry Springer, Northwestern law school grad gets the nod for worst show ever from TV Guide in their big list. I'm not familiar with a bunch of shows there, but I'll tackle some of the choices in a later entry. Speaking of lists, Z-93 only listed the top 50 from their top 1000 countdown. A bit of a ripoff, but it's there.

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